
progress log

feb 26 - minor fixes + style changes to "misc";

feb 14 - more options for the sorting system in "reviews" (by amount of stars/favourite);

feb 9 - style improvements in "about";

feb 8 - seagull cursor in "malin" + diamond axe in "minecraft" + favicons for a few pages, pages for my MC worlds & other minor changes;

feb 7 - page for malin in "sonas", work on "minecraft" and "sonas";

feb 1 - sorting system in the "littlest pet shop" wishlist, except they no longer line up like they should;

jan 26 - added a "best book(s)" section in "books in years";

jan 10 - "books in years" page within "reviews" created + minor fixes/additions;

*2025! here we are!

nov 14 - "collections" page in "journal", replacing "rambles";

oct 19 - reworking "sonas";

july 21 - functional sorting system in "reviews" + minor fixes;

june 23 - work on "minecraft", "about", "misc";

june 22 - "animal crossing" page added with all my current and former villagers listed + few small things;

june 16 - added some pictures and 2 links in "misc", highlighted my favourites and added a new title in "journal", slapped a sparkly "happy pride month" & other images in index;

* ocelotscribbles turned 1 year old on may 24th! so many more scribbles to be written!

may 5 - "lps" page within "cherished" created, scrollable wishlist div :-];

may 4 - recategorised the nav in "journal"; added book & movie titles to "reviews" (formally "books") + "rainbows" page created;

may 3 - reworking "about";

april 30 - "books" page within "journal" created;

april 29 - font changed to "lucida";

april 20 - added some empty links in "cherished" and "worlds";

april 16 - switched a few % values to px, site looks okay on mobile now (how did i not think of that being the issue sooner LOL) + some images added;

april 12 - making the site a tiny bit more mobile friendly again after accidentally messing it up + general style improvements/slight changes; moved "curently..." to "journal";

february 29 - added little pictures to "journal" and "misc";

february 24 - moved puters, little style changes so it looks nice on the new one & other small things;

february 13 - work on "journal" (style) + some text and minor fixes;

february 7 - "journal" page created + fine-tuning;

february 3 - added a few images and moved the buttons leading to "art" & "cherished" to the index (previously - in "about");

january 31st - small changes to improve the layout on mobile (will look more into that in the future), work on the navigation in "minecraft" + favicons :-);

january 28th - added stuff in "about" - a spot for current reads & games + a few other stamps;

january 20th, 2024 - work on "about" + "home", style update on older pages;

* Happy New Year!

december 31 - a tiny bit of work on "art";

december 30 - a couple of buttons added;

december 29 - little scrollable div with random facts in "about";

december 28 - "archive" button in "misc";

december 28 - work on "home", "about" & "minecraft";

december 15 - work on the buttons in "about" & their pages;

december 14 - work on "misc" & "about";

december 13 - style revamp; many pages were deleted to be remade;

*** scribbles v2 ***

*** end of ocelot scribbles v1 ***

October 23 - "LPS" & "minecraft" pages added + minor fixes;

October 18 - work on "dreams" page;

October 4 - work on "about" page + other minor fixes;

October 2 - navigation code update + page "cherished" added; some placeholder pages have been deleted for the time being;

October 1 - map button added in "jendie";

August 17 - empty hyperlinks in "charlifer" & "yellow"; "teo" page within "worlds" added;

August 16 - "charlifer" page within "worlds" added, slight visual improvements; empty hyperlinks in "sonas" added;

August 14 - ocelot plushie picture within "misc" leading to "sonas" page added;

August 13 - page for Jes added + other minor work;

August 11 - page for Anderson added;

August 10 - second navigation in "Misc" with 3 pages added; empty hyperlinks in "jendie"("worlds") & "dream"("misc") added;

August 9 - "worlds" and "about" pages added;

June 3 - style revamp + tmnt cursor;

May 29 - progress log within "Misc" added;

prior to log - home page + navigation;

May 24, 2023 - website created.

who is that?!:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle - Leonardo